Mouth ulcers in children

As the mouth is one of the most sensitive parts of the body, when children get mouth ulcers, the pain and discomfort can be very irritating.
What are the main causes?
There are lots of things that can cause mouth ulcers in children, but they usually occur due to damaging their mouth, for example when they accidentally bite the inside of their cheek, chew something rough which can cut their mouth, or catch their cheek or lip on a sharp tooth or filling. They can also develop because they are feeling tired, generally unwell or run down, or because they are wearing braces.
It could be that some children often have mouth ulcers because it runs in their family. Their diet can play a part too, and there are certain foods that may cause mouth ulcers, including:
- Spicy foods
- Salty foods
- Toast
- Crisps
- Fruit juice
Sometimes, mouth ulcers keep coming back due to a lack of vitamin B12 or iron, or a medical condition such as Coeliac or Crohn’s disease.
What are the symptoms?
A mouth ulcer is:
- Painful
- Round or oval in shape
- They can be white, red, yellow or grey in colour
- Swollen around the edge
Most mouth ulcers appear on the:
- Inside of the lips
- Inside of the cheeks
- Floor of the mouth
- Under the surface of the tongue
See a dentist or GP if your mouth ulcer:
- lasts longer than 3 weeks
- keeps coming back
- grows bigger than usual or is near the back of your throat
- bleeds or becomes more painful and red
What are my treatment options?
Most mouth ulcers don’t need any treatment and will heal on their own if they’re not interfering with your child’s daily activities. If they’re painful, however, a local pharmacy will have suitable medicines without a prescription. Make sure the medicine is suitable for your child's age.
What can I do about it?
The main goal for treating your child’s mouth ulcer is to relieve their pain and discomfort. There is a product in the bonjela range, suitable for children over 5 months, as well as adults and the elderly.
Bonjela Junior Gel – sugar free, clear, almost colourless banana-flavoured gel for the relief of pain and discomfort from common mouth ulcers.
Medicine for children over 5 months, adults and the elderly. Not for use in teething infants. Always read the label.
Top tips
- Make sure that your child cleans their teeth properly and take them to visit the dentist regularly.
- Supervise your child brushing their teeth until the age of 7 or 8, or when they are able to brush them properly on their own.
This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.