General Advice - Mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers - What are they?
Mouth ulcers are common and should clear up on their own within a week or two. They’re not usually a sign of anything more serious, but you should see your GP if they last longer than 3 weeks.
Mouth ulcers are painful round or oval sores or sore spots that form in your mouth; often on the inside of the cheeks and lips. They can also appear on the floor of your mouth and on the underside of your tongue.
Mouth ulcers can be uncomfortable, especially when you eat, drink or brush your teeth, but they are not infectious and you cannot pass them from one person to another.
What are the main causes?
There are lots of things that can cause mouth ulcers, but they usually are due to you damaging your mouth, for example when you accidentally bite the inside of your cheek, brush your teeth too hard, or catch your cheek or lip on a sharp tooth or filling. They can also develop because you wear braces or dentures.
You can get mouth ulcers that keep coming back, mainly at times when you’re particularly stressed, anxious or ‘run down’. Some women can also develop them during hormonal changes such as pregnancy or their monthly period.
Your diet can play part too and there are certain foods that may increase the likelihood of you getting a mouth ulcer.
These include:
Spicy foods
Wheat flour
Stopping smoking may mean that you temporarily develop mouth ulcers, which is a normal reaction while your body is coping with chemical changes.
Sometimes, mouth ulcers keep coming back due to a lack of vitamin B12 or iron, a medical condition such as Coeliac or Crohn’s disease. They can also be caused by a reaction to a medicine that you are taking, including some NSAIDs, nicorandil (for angina), and beta-blockers (for conditions such as angina and high blood pressure).
What are the symptoms?
A mouth ulcer is:
Round or oval in shape
They can be white, red, yellow or grey in colour
Swollen around the edge
Most mouth ulcers appear on the:
Inside of the lips
Inside of the cheeks
Floor of the mouth
Under the surface of the tongue
What are my treatment options?
Most mouth ulcers don’t need any treatment and will heal on their own within a couple of weeks if they’re not interfering with your daily activities.
If they’re painful, however, you can buy medicines without a prescription at your local pharmacy. Make sure you tell them who the medicine is for, as some aren’t suitable for under 16s. Ulcers don’t often lead to complications, but you could develop a secondary bacterial infection which can make them more painful and last longer. Treatments that help fight infection can therefore be useful.
What can I do about it?
The main goals for treating your mouth ulcer are to relieve your mouth ulcer pain, reduce inflammation and help fight infection.
Bonjela Cool Mint Gel is suitable for adults over the age of 16 years, designed to help you feel more comfortable and help fight infection.
Bonjela Junior Gel relieves mouth ulcer pain and is suitable for adults and the elderly, as well as children over 5 months old.

Bonjela Cool Mint Gel – sugar-free mint-flavoured gel for the relief of pain, discomfort and inflammation caused by common mouth ulcers and cold sores. It helps to fight minor mouth infection and aid healing of sore spots and ulcers due to dentures and braces.
Medicine for adults and children over the age of 16 years.
Always read the label.

Bonjela Junior Gel – sugar free, clear, almost colourless banana-flavoured gel for the relief of pain and discomfort from common mouth ulcers.
Medicine for children over 5 months, adults and the elderly. Not for use in teething infants.
Always read the label.
Top tips?
Clean your teeth properly and visit your dentist regularly.
If you can tell what’s causing your mouth ulcer such as a sharp tooth or filling, visit your dentist so that they can repair it.
Use a softer toothbrush when brushing your teeth and try switching to another toothpaste.
Try to relieve your stress and anxiety by doing an activity that you find relaxing, such as meditating, practising yoga or other exercise.
Eat a balanced diet with fresh fruit and vegetables, and avoid 'scratchy foods' such as toast, crisps and nuts.
Don’t eat foods that you know can trigger your mouth ulcers.
Talk to your GP about your medical condition or any medication that might be causing your mouth ulcers. You may be able to take a different medication.
This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.